Friday, February 27, 2009

Well, it's been a while.

Just finished my exams for the week, and other than that, pretty much nothing's new since last time. New floor's good, Krav's good, and poli sci is stupid easy. Maybe I'll write more later, but it's been really dull lately.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Internships: What a hassle...

So today's "Keep busy so I don't go insane" thing was trying to get all the information I needed for internships. I figured it wouldn't be so bad: find some phone numbers, call them, and deal with being on hold and all that until I got what I needed. Alas, it wasn't that simple. For summer ones, it was
City PDs:
NYPD: "Call back in March or April". The good news is, the budget cuts mean they're really looking for some unpaid paper-pushers. Yaaay.
Hartford PD: Way to pick up, jackasses.
Metro PD (Washington, DC): The one PD that actually caught up on their technology! The application was online, but I'll have to pester career services about my resume. I also need an essay about why I want to do it and why I chose what specialty and so forth. It's supposed to be a really good internship program, but the problem is that it's unpaid and DC is expensive, so I dunno if I can do it.
Boston PD: Paid, sounds good, just gotta go and get some more info from them.
LAPD: I would be on this like white on rice if they didn't only work with four schools.
SFPD: I heard it was a good program, but I saw it's 12 hours a week, unpaid. They must have been thinking of something else.
Federal agencies
Capitol police: They hire interns, but don't even have a contact number online. Real nice of you guys...
US Marshals: No, no matter what you say, the list of schools on the website is still last year. It would take two seconds to check that, but they never do. Of course, odds are, since UConn doesn't have a criminal justice department, they won't take me anyway. Maybe I can make some other calls, though...
DEA: They put me through to Buffalo, I said screw it (WHEN I SAY NEW YORK I MEAN THE PART THAT COUNTS, DAMNIT!).
FBI: Yeah, about that GPA thing...

So yeah, that was my day. Not as beneficial as I hoped. Still, though, crossed a few off my list, but they weren't really high up there as it is. I have to follow up on a few more (maybe the DEA will give me the NYC office this time).

Monday, January 5, 2009

Well, since everyone else is getting one...

...I figured I may as well jump on the bandwagon. Except, instead of going somewhere new and exciting like my other blogging friends; I'm staying in the states and dying of boredom. (Way to go, Kyle! Already making this blog sound thrill a minute!). Well, stay tuned regardless! There'll be bureaucratic horror stories from my club/job applications (jumping through hoops for state, local, and federal PDs will be fun...), entertaining anecdotes, and maybe the occasional step-by-step of a Krav Maga technique if I'm bored and get someone to hold the camera. Hell, maybe I'll let my inner journalist out of the basement and put up a music review if something grabs me.
As it is right now, I'm just sitting at home. 2 weeks of break to go, and it's starting to feel like a prison sentence. I count the days until I'm out of this awful town, and back to somewhere slightly less miserable. I've been entertaining myself by finding new music, though, so it ain't all bad. I'll probably put a post of random musings up in the near future, so check back in soon!