Monday, January 5, 2009

Well, since everyone else is getting one...

...I figured I may as well jump on the bandwagon. Except, instead of going somewhere new and exciting like my other blogging friends; I'm staying in the states and dying of boredom. (Way to go, Kyle! Already making this blog sound thrill a minute!). Well, stay tuned regardless! There'll be bureaucratic horror stories from my club/job applications (jumping through hoops for state, local, and federal PDs will be fun...), entertaining anecdotes, and maybe the occasional step-by-step of a Krav Maga technique if I'm bored and get someone to hold the camera. Hell, maybe I'll let my inner journalist out of the basement and put up a music review if something grabs me.
As it is right now, I'm just sitting at home. 2 weeks of break to go, and it's starting to feel like a prison sentence. I count the days until I'm out of this awful town, and back to somewhere slightly less miserable. I've been entertaining myself by finding new music, though, so it ain't all bad. I'll probably put a post of random musings up in the near future, so check back in soon!


  1. Ha ha, Kyle...I'm sure you'll still have lots of interesting stuff to write about!

    And give UConn credit. Now that I have to cook for myself using a crappy oven with sketchy ingredients from a foreign supermarket (Tesco's), I'm beginning to miss South Dining Hall. And those are words I thought I'd never say! ;)

    But I'm so happy you got this blog so we can all keep in touch and so I know what's happening at UConn. I'm definitely going to be reading the Instant Daily! ;)

  2. I look forward to your wacky adventures. You should definitely post on this the night you turn 21. :P
